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1.CINAR K., Influences of out-of-plane fiber waviness on the curved beam strength of glass fiber composite laminates, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 26(1), pp.99-105, 2020.


2.CINAR K., Evaluation of sandwich panels with composite tube-reinforced foam core under bending and flatwise compression, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 22(2), pp. 480-493, 2020.


3.CINAR K., ERUSLU S. Ö., DALMIŞ İ., GUVEN I., Effect of particle shape on the wear and friction behavior of particle-reinforced epoxy coatings, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, vol. 16, pp. 1435-1445, 2019.

4.EKŞİ O., KARABEYOĞLU S. S., CINAR K., Experimental and numerical study on the thermoforming process of amorphous thermoplastic polymers, Materials Testing, vol. 61, pp. 417-424, 2019.

5.GUVEN I., CINAR K., Micromechanical modeling of particulate-filled composites using micro-CT to create representative volume elements, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, vol. 15, pp. 695-714, 2019.

6.CASTELLANOS A., CINAR K., GUVEN I., PRABHAKAR P., Low‑Velocity Impact Response of Woven Carbon Composites in Arctic Conditions, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, vol. 4, pp. 308-316, 2018.

7.UZAL A. ., SONMEZ F. O., OZ F. E., CINAR K., ERSOY N. B., A composite sandwich plate with a novel core design, Composite Structure, vol. 193, pp. 198-211, 2018.

8.CINAR K., GUVEN I., Micro-computed tomography as a tool to investigate the deformation behavior of particulate-filled composite materials, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transaction of the ASME, vol. 140, pp. 1-18, 2018.

9.BARAN I., CINAR K., ERSOY N. B., AKKERMAN R., HATTEL J. H., A Review on the mechanical modeling of composite manufacturing processes, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 365-395, 2017.

10.CINAR K., ERSOY N. B., 3D finite element model for predicting manufacturing distortions of composite parts, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 50, pp. 3791-3807, 2016.

11.KOC M., SÖNMEZ F. Ö., ERSOY N. B., CINAR K., Failure behavior of composite laminates under four-point bending, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 50, pp. 3679-3697, 2016.

12.CINAR K., ERSOY N. B., Effect of fibre wrinkling to the spring-in behaviour of L-shaped composite materials, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 69, pp. 105-114, 2015.

13.CINAR K., Effect of stacking sequence on the warpage of fiber-reinforced composite plates, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, vol. 5, pp. 1-11, 2015.

14.CINAR K., OZTURK U. E., ERSOY N. B., WISNOM M. R., Modelling manufacturing deformations in corner sections made of composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 48, pp. 799-813, 2014.


Conference Papers

1.Yilmaz S. O., Dalmis İ. S., Cinar K., Wear resistance of GX300CrNiMoW 12 6 1 1 high Chromium white cast iron, 19th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (25.10.2018-27.10.2018).

2.Cinar K. ., Guven I., Oz F. E., Ersoy N., Quantifying the delamination of L-shaped composite laminates under low velocity impact using x-ray computed tomography, ASC 33rd Annual Technical Conference (24.09.2018-26.09.2018).

3.Cinar K., Bending and compression performance of composite tube reinforced foam core sandwich structures, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece (24.06.2018-28.06.2018).

4.Cinar K., Unal M. A., Ersoy N., Design of a real-sized composite drive shaft and critical points from beginning to the end, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece (24.06.2018-28.06.2018).

5.Cinar K., A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Particle Shape and Size on the Indentation Behaviour of Composite Materials , ISLAC 18 (22.03.2018-24.03.2018).

6.Ozen U., Cinar K., Dalmis I. S., Investigation of Compressive and Bending Behaviour of Egg-box Sandwich Panels, ISLAC 18 (22.03.2018-24.03.2018).

7. Cinar K., Guven I., Evaluation of Glass Geometry on DeformationBehavior Particulate-Filled Composite MaterialsUsing X-ray Computed Tomography, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites-32 Technical Conference (23.10.2017-25.10.2017).

8.Guven I., Cinar K., Micromechanical Modeling of Particulate-filledComposites Using X-ray Computed Tomography, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites-32 Technical Conferences (23.10.2017-25.10.2017).

9.Cinar K., Eruslu S., Guven I., Characterization of functionally graded particulate composites using micro-CT, 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (04.07.2017-07.07.2017).

10.Eruslu S., Cinar K., Dalmis I. S., Karakoca A., Wear study of glass particulate reinforced polymer composites using micro-CT data, 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (04.07.2017-07.07.2017).

11.Uzal A., Sonmez F. Ö., Ersoy N. B., Cinar K., An undulated sandwich plate with a new core, 17th European Conference on Composite MaterialsMunich, Germany, 26-30th June 2016 (26.06.2016-30.06.2016).

12.Yuksel O., Cinar K., Ersoy N. B., Experimental and numerical study of the tool-part interaction in flat and double curvature parts, 17th European Conference on Composite MaterialsMunich, Germany, 26-30th June 2016 (26.06.2016-30.06.2016).

13.Cinar K., Oz F. E., Ersoy N., Failure behavior of corrugated core panel under out-of-plane loading, 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (19.07.2015-24.07.2015).

14.Alpay Y. O., Sonmez F. Ö., Ersoy N. B., Cinar K., Öz F. E., Failure behaviour of laminated composite plates under anticlastic bending, 20th International Conference on Composite MaterialsCopenhagen, 19-24th July 2015 (19.07.2015-24.07.2015).

15.Koc M., Sonmez F. O., Ersoy N., Cinar K., Failure predictıon capabilities of composite failure criteria under out-of-plane loads, 16th European Conferance on Composite Materials (22.07.2014-26.07.2014).

16.Cinar K., Ersoy N., Oz F. E., 3d process modelling for distortıons in manufacturing of polymer composite materials, 15th European Conferance on Composite Materials (24.06.2012-28.06.2012).

17.Oz F. E., Cinar K., Ersoy N., Micromechanical Progressive Damage Model For Predicting Resin Dominated Strength Values Of Fibre Reinforced Composites Under Various Types Of Loading, 15th European Conferance on Composite Materials (24.06.2012-28.06.2012).


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